A comfy & low-key hoodie perfect for a chill night in or a fun night out.
Part of a collab with PAPER to celebrate Pride 2021
Iconic Everywhere. #FILAstyle
Fila Phoenix Hoodie Blancas Amarillo | ZDTW74261
Fila Godfrey Hoodie Gris Claro | BQXG32540
Fila Phoenix Hoodie 033 Turbulence | OYLW25897
Fila Maddox Pullover Hoodie 681 Strawberry Ice | PSQH25749
Fila Godfrey Hoodie Negras | QYGF72195
Fila Maddox Pullover Hoodie 268 Spanish Villa | COZK15364
Fila Maddox Pullover Hoodie 268 Spanish Villa | KCNF12857
Fila Godfrey Hoodie Blancas | JYSV58472